Stokker UAB
Įgaliotasis „Kubota“ atstovas

G serija

Rapid and efficient, the mowers in the G range are fitted with powerful diesel engines (23 and 26 HP) and are available in several versions (ground level or elevated catchers). Boasting “Twin Cut” decks (G23-II: 122 cm/G26-II: 137 cm) with counter rotating synchronised blades, these professional ride-on mowers offer exceptional cut quality and grass collection.

Driving simplicity: The hydrostatic steering simplifies manoeuvring, saves your energy and facilitates mowing around trees and in restricted spaces.

The 12 cm coverage of the counter rotating blades of the « Twin Cut » deck, driven by cardan shafts and gears, and the adjustable air inlets on the top of the deck ensure a clean cut under all conditions. The cut then discharged to the collector via the wide discharge chute.

Optimal power: The mechanical transmission is efficient as it provides all the power needed to the wheels and blades for an optimum cut whatever the conditions.

Ease of working: From your seat, protected from wheel projections, you have precision control of operating the collector via control levers conveniently grouped on the left hand side. On the Easychecker® instrument panel you can easily see the; digital operating hours counter, rev counter and fuel gauge.

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Stokker UAB


Islandijos pl. 5, Kaunas

Darbo valandos
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Pasikalbėkime apie Kubota!

Apie mus

2015 metų lapkričio mėnesį bendrovė „Kubota“ pasirašė atstovavimo ir prekybos sutartį su „Mecro“ įmonių grupe dėl žemės ūkio traktorių, komunalinės ir sodo technikos pardavimo Estijoje, Latvijoje ir Lietuvoje. Daugiau

Nemokama 5 metų garantija

Per 130 metų kokybė tapo neatsiejama Kubota dalimi. Galingi japoniški traktoriai yra puikiai žinomi dėl savo našumo ir patvarumo. Daugiau
Tel. Nr.
Darbo valandos